Mahatma Gandhi – Father of the Nation:
देश में स्वच्छ भारत अभियान नारों की गूंज एक बार फिर चारों ओर से सुनी जा रही है। साल 2014 में प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी के द्वारा शुरू किए गए स्वच्छता अभियान में एक खास बात यह है कि इसके प्रतीक के रूप में महात्मा गांधी की तस्वीर और चश्मे का इस्तेमाल होता है। इसका सीधा कारण है कि गांधी स्वच्छता को सर्वोपरि मानते थे। गांधी ने अपने जीवन में स्वच्छता के महत्व को तवज्जो दी थी। भारत में स्वच्छता अभियान का लक्ष्य 2019 में महात्मा गांधी के 150वीं जयंती तक देश को पूरी तरीके से स्वच्छ बनाना है। गांधी ने अपने जीवन में स्वच्छता के विचार को हमेशा फैलाया।
Mahatma Gandhi considered cleanliness as an important aspect for the physical well-being and a healthful environment. Therefore, it is very essential to learn about hygiene, cleanliness, and sanitation. The habit which a person imbibes at a young age goes a long way with the person and becomes a part of his personality. He stressed the fact that cleanliness promotes good health among people.
Keeping this idea of cleanliness and sanitation in his mind, Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”
2. यदि कोई व्यक्ति स्वच्छ नहीं है तो वह स्वस्थ नहीं रह सकता है।
3. बेहतर साफ-सफाई से ही भारत के गांवों को आदर्श बनाया जा सकता है।
4. शौचालय को अपने ड्रॉइंग रूम की तरह साफ रखना जरूरी है।
5. नदियों को साफ रखकर हम अपनी सभ्यता को जिंदा रख सकते हैं।
6. अपने अंदर की स्वच्छता पहली चीज है जिसे पढ़ाया जाना चाहिए। बांकी बातें इसके बाद होनी चाहिए।
7. हर किसी एक को अपना कूड़ा खुद साफ करना चाहिए।
8. मैं किसी को गंदे पैर के साथ अपने मन से नहीं गुजरने दूंगा।
9. अपनी गलती को स्वीकारना झाड़ू लगाने के समान है जो सतह को चमकदार और साफ कर देता है।
Gandhi was a great supporter of Truth and Non-violence. He had a great importance to the concept of Truth and Non-Violence. Truth or Satya, Ahimsa or Non-Violance are foundation of Gandhi’s philosophy. The word ‘Non-violence’ is a translation of the Sanskrit term ‘Ahimsa’.He stated that in its positive form,’Ahimsa’ means ‘The largest love,the greatest charity’. According to Gandhi the word ‘Satya’ comes from the word ‘Sat’ which means ‘to exist’. So by the term ‘Satya’ Gandhi also means that which is not only existent but also true. Gandhi said that Truth and Non-Violence are the two sides of a same coin. Ahimsa is the means; Truth is the end. Gandhi identifies Truth with God.
Gandhi ji took the religious principle of ahimsa (doing no harm) common to Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism and turned it into a non-violent tool for mass action. He used it to fight not only colonial rule but social evils such as racial discrimination and untouchability as well.
Father of our Nation Mahatma Gandhi called it “satyagraha” which means ‘truth force.’ In this doctrine the aim of any non-violent conflict was to convert the opponent; to win over his mind and his heart and pursuade him to your point of view. Bapu was firm that satyagraha was not a weapon of the weak – “Satyagraha is a weapon of the strong; it admits of no violence under any circumstance whatever; and it always insists upon truth.”
Gandhi ji believed that food was an integral part of shaping our consciousness and not just meant to satisfy our hunger. He experimented throughout his life to find his ‘perfect diet’, an experiment that lasted over 35 years. The Mahatma followed the Brahmacharya way of life.
The Brahmachari diet consists of –
- 1 litre of cow or goat milk
- 170 gm cereals
- 85 gm leafy vegetables
- 140 gm of other vegetables
- 30 gm raw vegetables
- 40 gm ghee
- 60 gm butter
- and 40 gm jaggery
- fruits
- 2 sour lime (taken in juice form)
- salt according to taste
He was a strict vegetarian and he used to drink goat’s milk. Research has now shown that goat’s milk is nutritionally superior to cow’s milk. It has higher amounts of vitamins and minerals.
- Fasting can promote health:fasting not only promotes discipline but can lead to various physical benefits as well. Fasting allows your body the time to detox, cleanse the stomach, use up unused sources of nutrition like fat, and helps it cope with any infections that might be present and can help relieve constipation. According to Ayurvedic principles, one should fast for at least one day in the week. Gandhi himself famously fasted for 21 days to promote unity between the Hindus and Muslims.
- Watch your diet:Gandhi famously said “The body was never meant to be treated as a refuse bin, holding all the foods that the palate demands.” While earlier in his life he consumed meat, he stopped it and was completely vegetarian by 1906 because he believed that our diet should be healthy and principal to learning self-discipline.